Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Why So Much Violence In The USA?

       Why So Much Violence In The USA?

                                                                                   Written by: Nancy A Miller

Why is there so much violence in the United States of America?

What could be the ACTUAL causes?

Are guns really the problem?

    Let's start with American children...

 What do kids do to pass the time in the US?

 Do they go outside to play or interact with the Natural World?

 Until around the mid 1980's, kids played outside, road bicycles, built forts, played in the rain, climbed trees, had chores to do, and most of them had respect for their parents.

 What Happened?

    We're going to start here with video games...

  Video "games" were actually created in the 1950's and 1960's. 

 In 1962, an MIT student hobbyist created Space War, as a game on video display. 

 Some of the first arcade games were Computer Space and Pong.

 In 1972, the Magnavox Odyssey game console was released in the US. (It wasn't released in Britain until 1974) It had games like Analogic, Submarine, Table Tennis, etc.  These games were not widely adopted in the US. There were only about 350,000 units sold in US and Britain combined.

   Then later on in the 1970's, games like Space Invaders and PacMan we're introduced in their arcade version. By the mid 70's game consoles were being sold to the public on a larger scale, but still did not have a massive audience.

 There were also PC computer based games such as Dungeons & Dragons, published in 1974, by Tactical Studies Rules Inc. 

 In 1977, the Atari 2600 Game Console came out with cartridge based games like Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Black Jack, Combat, Starship, Street Racer, Asteroid, etc... It cost $189 and by the time it was discontinued in 1992 they had sold 30 million Units.

 Nintendo Games like PacMan - 1980, Donkey Kong and Frogger - 1981, soon followed in their computer based versions.

 In 1983, the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)was released in Japan and sold for $149. It was released in the US in 1985 and sold 1 million units that year in the US and 3 million worldwide. By 1988, Nintendo had sold 12 million units in Japan and sold 10 million units in the US. Most of the games were light-hearted and fun, but they were very addictive. Good for sales though, right?

 The original Nintendo System was sold from 1983 through 1995 and sold more than 60 million units.

  When the NES was released, I began to see almost everyone around me start to behave as if they were addicted to drugs... Hard drugs. People staying up all night, playing these games, missing work, ignoring family, ignoring responsibilities... And these were the adults!

 I also noticed that the kids never went back outside, unless they were run off of the games by their parents. Bicycles laid rusting, there were far fewer kids at playgrounds, and just far less kids outside doing anything in general.

 Throughout the 90s, video games started to become much more violent. First person shooter "games", made for the desensitizing of specialized military soldiers, specifically, were released to the public, quite intentionally. 

  "Games", secretly designed by the scariest organizations on the earth, were released on the population, illegally, and marketed specifically to kids.

 These "games" are designed to desensitize, addict, and rewire how people processed information, how they perceived the world and interacted with each other. They changed how masses of people behaved, very quickly.

  How is it that Specialist Military Training "Games" got into the hands and minds of our children? "Games" that encouraged the murder and maiming of people and glorified the destruction and theft of other people's property, became normal "play" for children.

 These "games" have become more and more addictive, more and more violent, far more realistic in appearance and sound, and they are not designed by normal, every day people, like they would like you to think. 

 There is a whole Corporate Machine that employs an enormous amount of Scientists, Psychologists, and Professions of all kinds of manipulative mind studies, to make these things ever more addictive and harmful to young people's minds and thought processes.

 ...and just a note on that subject, they actually employ people that go to one place or another and use one method or another to record the sounds of animals and creatures being tortured. Those sounds are then blended, mastered, and installed into these "games" to achieve a natural, visceral, physical reaction to the "games" special effects. That is only one example of the mindset behind the creation of these things, that are marketed to the masses as a "must have", necessary item for all families.


 I, personally, never did enjoy video games. I had too many real things going on that I wanted to do. Playing music, writing, creating, building, enjoying nature, etc. However, masses of people had almost instantly become irreverably addicted to these "games". 

 I found that utterly disturbing.

 Family relationships changed on mass. Interpersonal relationships changed. Behaviors and mindsets changed... 

 Seemingly overnight.

 I knew, with my entire being, that these "games" were not good. The epidemic of this Mass Addiction was far worse than crack, heroin, pills, and alcohol combined on the psyche of the American public. Especially on the children, who no longer had attentive, caring parents to guide them or got to experience a Natural World outside.

 Does anyone know how this happened on such a massive scale, or how it happened so quickly?

 Can we say taxpayer funded, extremely targeted, government and corporate controlled mass manipulation and propagandization of the people of the United States of America and frankly much of the world.

 People want to believe the myths that video games, the internet, things like Google, facebook, "social media", cell phones, smartphones, computers, and other "technological wonders", were created by regular people in their garages and basements and sold to the world as amazing creations to make your world better. More convenient. To improve the quality of your life, and the lives of everyone.

 When in reality, these things have been utilized to dumb down, desensitize, create attention deficits and a level of narcissism that is unparalleled in human history. Not to mention the Largest Mass Surveillance System Ever Known to Human Kind that has been Created to Commodify ALL of Humanity.

 It is NOT the technology itself that is bad. The people that control it, and the way they choose to use it against the good of humanity, is the problem.

    Now, I am a firm believer in the concept of "lead by example".

 Here is my interpretation of the example being presented by the so-called, self-proclaimed, Leaders of the Free World in the United States...

 Since the early 1900s, the United States has been at perpetual war. Bombing and destroying country, after country, after country...

 And in that time, the war machine of the United States military industrial complex, has killed millions upon millions of innocent men, women, and children, a worldwide array of entire ecosystems, ancient sites, and country after country of infrastructures... 

 All over the world, FOR PROFIT.

 This has been done, illegally, by people that refer to themselves as the Leaders of the Free World...

 How Ironic.

 When Madeline Albright, US secretary of state from 1997 to 2001, was asked in an interview with '60 Minutes' about the 500,000 children that were murdered in first invasion Iraq, by US forces, her reply was... "We think the price is worth it."   Link -

 Five Hundred Thousand CHILDREN MURDERED. Not Soldiers. Not Adults. Just 500,000 children in the tiny country of Iraq... 

 A country that NEVER attacked the United States. 

   In Early 2003, Saddam Hussein announced to the world that Iraq would no longer sell its oil in the US petrol dollar system. Weeks later, Iraq was being bombed by US Coalition Forces. The US government annihilated an entire country of mostly middle class, educated people. Because their own elected Government, of their Own SOVEREIGN Country, announced they would Nationalize their country's oil and refused to use the rigged, US Petrol Dollar, any longer.

  Iraq was sanctioned and forced imto the Oil for Food UN Scam, Invaded Twice by US Coalition Forces, their infrastructure demolished, their people murdered, their government destroyed, and their Elected President was captured, imprisoned, and hung by the neck til dead.

 The US Government is still Occupying Iraq to this day.

There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. The goal was to Remove the Elected President of a Sovereign Country because he wanted to Stop Being Forced by the US to only be able to sell Iraqi Oil for US Dollars. Saddam Hussein was captured and murdered by the US Government.


       When Venezuela announced the nationalization of its own oil. The US government began a well-documented, many years long campaign to murder Venezuela's democratically elected president, Chavez. When he died and was replaced by Maduro, the US government continued with their well documented campaign to murder him.

 The US Government are still engaged in these activities to this day. And their efforts to overthrow the Venezuelan government have been ridiculous. Some were even comical.

 Even going so far as attempting to install a puppet president, Juan Guaido, who had not been elected by the People, by simply using the main stream media to say that Maduro was NOT the duly elected president. Whether the people of Venezuela liked it or not... and They Do Not!        Link -

 They did this to a Sovereign Country, on a different continent, to steal their oil. WTF?

    Juan Guiado, by the way, recently stole $40,000,000 from the Venezuelan People and somehow was granted access to tap $152,000,000 in Venezuelan Funds "frozen" by the US Government 

 Oddly enough, the Biden administration just went to Venezuela to beg them to sell the US oil. Did they go to their president, Guiado, to beg for the oil? No. They went to the actual President, Nicolas Maduro, to beg for oil. After years of the bullshit sanctions the US has placed on the Venezuelan People, they went to beg Maduro for oil.

       In 2011-2012, in the wake of the destruction of the world trade centers, in New York City, the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Two countries that had nothing to do with the world trade center destruction.

 Farmers in Afghanistan had almost completely stopped growing poppies. They were growing food for their people. Within weeks of the US invasion of Afghanistan, their food crops were destroyed and Afghan farmers were forced to grow poppies for the United States government. The US also took command of the Afghan oil wells but their main goal was forced production of poppies... At gunpoint.

 That practice continued until this year, 2022, when Joe Biden's regime pulled the military out of Afghanistan leaving the Taliban billions of dollars worth of United States weapons and military equipment. This has NEVER been done before. They also left behind thousands of people to be murdered. In the largest display of cowardice ever seen, perpetrated by the Biden administration.   Link -

      On October 10th 2011, NATO forces led by the US government attacked the convoys of Muammar Gaddafi, the elected leader of Libya.

 Gaddafi was captured by the US Taxpayer funded National Transitional Council Forces and murdered in a most horrific manner. He was brutally beaten, stabbed multiple times by multiple weapons, and sodomized with bayonets. All while being recorded on video, then was posted all over the internet for the world to see.

 The United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said, "We came. We saw. He died!" As she cackled with delight.     (So much for all women being more virtuous and less violent...)

 Muammar Gaddafi was Libya's democratically elected leader. The country was made up of mostly middle class educated people. They had an elected, secular government that had never attacked the United States of America. Gaddafi was murdered with US Taxpayer dollars. His crime, was refusing to sell his sovereign country's oil for US Dollars. Again threatening the US petrol dollar. 

 Is any of this starting to sound familiar???

      In 2014, the United States government succeeded in a committing a coup in the Ukraine and installed an actor/comedian puppet "president' named Volodymir Zelenskyy to run the Ukraine. With an Immense Amount of Nazis being funded by the United States Taxpayers to help him control the region. Those Nazis seem to enjoy killing Russian People. They sure killed a lot of them in the Donbas region.  Link -   Link -

 The Ukraine lies directly on the Russian border.

 The US Taxpayer has been funding over 82 biolabs in the Ukraine since 2014, at least. For over 30 years Russia has warned against expanding NATO to their borders. Yet, US led NATO, has consistently, continually, and systematically, encroached on, and weaponized the countries on Russia's borders. While propagandizing the people of the United States against the Russian People. 

 Russian People are not the enemy of the People of the United States.

 And frankly, without the Russians, most of the world would most likely be speaking German...  as in Nazi German.

  And let us not forget about Israel...

 One of the most horrific injustices ever perpetrated on any group of people in the history of the world. The Israeali government calls what they're doing annexation. However it is nothing short of horrific and genocidal. 

 The Arabs, whom have lived in these lands for thousands of years, were forcibly removed from their land (much like the Native Americans), and forced to live in reserved areas and held hostage by an insane military government funded by the United States taxpayer.

 They are starved for water, food, electricity, and literally everything... With NO Natural Human Rights according to the Isrealis. The Arabs are treated as if they are not Human Beings.

 This is the only area on the entire planet that is not covered under the Geneva Convention. Human Rights abuse is the Israeli way. Funded by and protected by the United States taxpayer. Israeli soldiers sit on their wall and murder Arabs every day.

American citizens that work on US government contracts, are employed by the United States government, United States military personnel, and our elected officials, must sign under penalty of law, a contract swearing loyalty to Israel.

 That is actually a treasonous act according to the United States Constitution, and violates every oath sworn by anyone to uphold and protect, and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic... This oath to uphold, protect, and defend to Constitution is taken by all these same people that are forcing Americans to swear loyalty to Israel???

  I, myself, was given one of these documents while working as a painter for a contractor that had been hired to repaint an Air Force Base.

 I never signed that document.

 The Israeli government's crimes against humanity are infinite, and without consequence.

 The United States Taxpayers, have funded the largest mass murder organization that has ever existed on this planet... 

 The United States Government.

 The corruption of the United States government, all of its agencies, entities, and organizations is truly mind blowing.

 The murder of sovereign peoples all over the world, the manipulation, propagandizing and surveillance of its own US Citizens on mass, destruction of countries and their infrastructures all over the world, withholding of beneficial technologies, universal rollout of malevolent technologies regardless of protest by the US Citizens, the removal of the US Constitution's Protection of Natural Rights, and constant proliferation of war, may contribute to all the violence in this country.

 What do you think???

     Now, let's talk about "Social Media"...

 The proven increased stress that "social media' has placed on all people who engage in it, let alone children and teenagers, is staggering.

 The likes, the dislikes, the "followers", the narcissism of the constant selfie, the belief that every mundane detail about your life is interesting to everyone else, the vial and disgusting way the mentally ill are projecting their insane ideology on to the masses, the intentional addicting structure of it, Etc...

 Listing everything intentionally horrible that has been purposely developed into "Social Media" would take a very long time.

 Let's just look at the rise in suicide, depression, gender issues, violence, general mental illness, narcissism, sociopathy... again this could go on for a long time.

 Since the implementation of social media, these rates have skyrocketed across the full spectrum of humanity that engages in "social media".

 However, in children and teens, these statistics have skyrocketed by an order of magnitude.

 The commoditization of humans has never been more profitable, and never has it caused more damage to humanity.

 Selling humans as slaves never generated the profit margins created by the commodification of humanity's data. 

 By using "social media", and handheld computers capable of giving them endless amounts of data on your habits, patterns, likes and dislikes, biomedical data, constant location information (even when the location service is turned OFF on the device, it is still constantly sending your precise location information), 48 megapixel cameras (12MP is equal to poster size with no distortion), multiple microphones, a variable plethora of sensors that 15 or 20 years ago were only available in state of the art laboratories and specialist equipment. 

 "Social Media" is the brainchild of the CIA and the military industrial complex. 

 Do Not Be Fooled About It's Creators. 

 Does this technology have to be used for nefarious purposes? NO.

 Neither did Atomic Power. It's research intention was to create clean, cheap and/or free energy for the masses. We see how that went...

 These ideas almost always start out as a way to benefit humanity. The actual person, doing the actual creating, is usually trying to do something beneficial. Then they need "funding" to get it to market, where it can benefit people. Their ideas become co-opted, corrupted, and often times twisted into horrific creations that are used to do irreverable damage... and the original, beneficial idea or product is buried. Sometimes with the original creator.

 Societies become corrupted and deteriorate when governmental entities and/or billionaire ideologues are given free reign over the people of the world. Their psychopathy, narcissism, and utter contempt for humanity is allowed to run free and devastate the people that generated their wealth.

 The results of that are easy to see.

 The constant use of fear and propaganda to corral the "peasants" is nothing new.

 A Free People, With a Free Flow of Ideas and Free Communication Can Not Be Tolerated by a Corrupt System of Tyranny.

 Constitutional Protections of Our Natural Human Rights and Freedoms are being systematically removed, little by little, the systematic indoctrination and dumbing down of the population, the constant war against this and that... 

 The consistent dehumanization of "other people"...

 The continuous fear-mongering that never stops its 24/7 cycle. 

 The divide and conquer technique, used on all fronts, at all times, against everyone...

 The blatant destruction or suppression of all things beneficial to humanity...

 The constant poisoning of water, the environment, the food, the animals and the people...

  Oh, did we not get there yet???

   Now, let's talk about Poisons and Toxins...

 One example of the poisoning of the entire population is a chemical called Atrazine. Atrazine is a herbicide sprayed on more than half the corn crops in the United States, most golf courses, Christmas tree farms, and many many other places. Corn, in one form or another, is in almost every processed food product in this country.

 Atrazine, was proven to interfere with male development in frogs and caused male frogs to literally turn into female frogs. This was proven beyond the shadow of doubt in the 1990s. It has been proven to have a very similar effect on humans and other animals. Yet, Atrazine, is still used every day on our farms, golf courses, Christmas tree farms, ditches, people's yards, etc... It's a very widely used herbicide.   Link -

 It causes physical gender dysphoria in every organism it comes into contact with. If an organism receives a high enough dose of this herbicide, physical gender dysphoria happens. As well as, various other neurological issues as well.

 Atrazine directly attacks the endocrine system in all organisms. That would include all hormone balances in the organism. Humans are an organism.

 Young male humans in the United States have one tenth of the testosterone that male humans had in the 1970s in the United States. That's 10% of the Testosterone that Males Should Have!

 I wonder if that has anything to do with the extreme surge in gender dysphoria happening to the youth of this country?

 It's not happening in Non-Americanized countries.

 How about the massive amounts of soy products being forced on the People of the United States? Soy greatly increases estrogen levels in all organisms including humans. 

 An overload of estrogen causes a whole host of mental and physical problems in humans. Infertility, irrationality, reduced bone density, and a whole host of other physical and mental problems.

 Could this have anything to do with the violence in this country???

 Let's be very clear about this...

 The People of the United States... Men, Women, and Children, are being poisoned into mental instability, irrationality, gender dysphoria, cancers, neurological disorders, heart disease, and a never before seen destabilization of the biology of humans.

 We The People, of the United States of America are being Surveilled, Controlled, Propagandized, Forcably Addicted, Poisoned, and Commodified by Our Own Government and Corporatocracy. 

 Our Children are being poisoned, propagandized, desensitized to violence, forcibly addicted to violent games and social media, dehumanized and taught to dehumanize others, lied to about everything, and indoctrinated into insane ideologies.

 These, are only a few of the things that are being perpetrated on the People of the United States of America by this Corporatocracy.

 There's forced fluoridation and toxification of all civic water sources. The constant bombardment of humanity and every inch of land, waterway, and ocean with a never ending supply of toxic plastic, herbicides, pesticides and an enormous array of toxic chemicals.

 All of these things are proven facts, based on actual evidence, and documentation, and irrefutably true.

 These things are undeniable.

         Not MY Truth... Not YOUR Truth...   THE TRUTH.

 Now, let me ask you...

 Do you think that guns are REALLY the problem in the United States?

 No inanimate object can pick itself up, load itself, charge itself, aim itself, or fire itself at a human being.

 A knife cannot pick itself up and stab anyone.

 A bat, a rock, a screwdriver, hammer, stick, or any other object, can not pick itself up and murder anyone either.

 TOOLS Are NOT The Problem.

 Corruption, and the dogma of insane ideologies being inflicted onto The People Is the Problem.

 Narcissistic maniacs in positions of power that cause intentional harm to humanity for pure pleasure and profit are the problem.

The Utter Lack of Truth, Honor, Ethics, Respect, Bravery, and Love for Oneself and Humanity Is the Problem.

  In all of written history, every time a government has disarmed The People, the people are then rounded up, enslaved, imprisoned, and/or murdered by that government.  The tyrants always say, "It's for the safety of The People." 

Gun Control  =  People Control

Every Time.                                                                           

                                                                      Nancy A Miller                                                                                                                                               06/13/2022